Become an Event Member of Adventure Advocates and you will enjoy the following benefits…
Coming Soon - Bronze Event Membership Includes:
Participant Hotel Discounts*
Participant Rental Car Discounts*
Gear Discounts
*benefit is limited to either the day of the event, or the event weekend.
Coming Soon - Silver Event Membership Includes All Bronze Level Benefits, Plus:
Event Cancellation Protection Program (covering cancellations for Adverse Weather, Natural Catastrophe & Terrorism**)
Helicopter Rescue Benefit*
*benefit is limited to either the day of the event, or the event weekend.
**As defined by the Event Member Disclaimer Document
Coming Soon - Gold Event Membership Includes All Gold Level Benefits, Plus:
Event Cancellation Protection Program is expanded to also include Communicable Disease
Helicopter Rescue Benefit*
*benefit is limited to either the day of the event, or the event weekend.
**As defined by the Event Member Disclaimer Document